Specialist Inspection: Asbestos & Mould Inspections in Newcastle

Asbestos Identification Inspections

An asbestos visual inspection is the first step in determining the presence of asbestos in your home. Before the commencement of any renovation or demolition work, it is definitely in your best interest to ensure there are no asbestos containing materials present that could become damaged and possibly release asbestos fibres into the air.

It is important for every person to know whether there is asbestos in their home so that the areas that contain asbestos are left alone if they are in good condition or removed if they are deemed to be a health risk.

Contact the experts at Ascert Building Inspections Newcastle.

Asbestos Inspection in Newcastle with Warning Sign about danger
Mould inspections for your home

Mould Identification Inspections

An Ascert mould inspection will provide expert assistance for the client by identifying the causes of excess moisture problems and provide simple, common sense recommendations for future mould prevention.

Our Mould Inspections involve a visual inspection of the property by our qualified Mould Inspector, followed by a Mould Observation Report with photo evidence targeting the causes of the mould issue, along with suggestions of suitable future prevention and control measures, specific to your property.




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